Why I deleted my social media accounts (and why you should too)2025-01-12

Photo by Prateek Katyal

In case you missed it: Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that Meta is ditching its fact-checkers (check out the video here). As if that wasn’t enough, he casually mentioned that Meta is teaming up with Trump to fight EU regulations affecting their platforms. The video itself is so absurd it feels like it could’ve been written by J. Michael Straczynski for Babylon 5 — President Clark and Nightwatch vibes all the way. But nope, it’s not sci-fi. It’s our horrifying reality.

Meanwhile, Over on Planet Elon...

And then there’s Musk. Oh boy. These days, he’s practically glued to Trump. Recently, he hosted a live chat on Twitter with Alice Weidel, the co-leader of Germany’s AfD, a party flagged by the “Verfassungsschutz” as a far-right extremist group. The content? Let’s just say it made me want to yeet my phone into the nearest ocean. How anyone can take that level of garbage seriously is beyond me. But hey, bubbles are cozy, right? (EDIT: Just one example: Alice Weidel claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was not "right-wing," but a communist instead.) Musk, Zuckerberg, and Trump — what a trio. Honestly, this could be the perfect setup for a dystopian sci-fi thriller. Except, spoiler alert: no happy ending here.

Profit First, Morality... Somewhere in the Basement

Social media platforms have turned lowering moral standards into an Olympic sport. And boy, are they winning. Sure, companies need to make money. That’s fair. But when they use every psychological trick in the book to keep you doom-scrolling for hours, it’s time to ask some questions. Add to that the constant stream of scammy ads, and you start wondering: “Do these people have even a shred of decency left?”

Teens and Social Media: A Toxic Cocktail

As a dad of two daughters, I see firsthand what these platforms are doing to young people. They communicate almost entirely through social media, which makes parenting (and schooling) a special kind of nightmare. Not that adults are any better, mind you. Studies have shown that excessive social media use can lead to anxiety, stress, and more. But do platform owners care? Of course not (Yes, they might say otherwise, but the reality is that it’s just PR). The earlier and deeper they integrate into our lives, the harder it becomes to pull away.

Bye-Bye Social Media

So, I quit. Twitter, TikTok, Facebook — all gone (EDIT: LinkedIn as well). It wasn’t an easy choice, especially since I used these platforms to promote my games. Losing 16,000 Twitter followers? Ouch. And I got a ton of good feedback by posting content to TikTok and Facebook. It wasn’t all bad: I discovered cool stuff, met great people. But at some point, enough is enough. And then thoughts came to my mind: What happens if I need to reach out to someone I haven’t spoken to in a decade? Or what if my next trailer could’ve gone viral? Oh, and where the hell do I even post about this blog post now?

The Torture of Deleting Accounts

It wasn’t just an emotional hurdle. Platforms like Facebook make the process a Kafkaesque nightmare. Hours spent wrestling with broken verification codes and other roadblocks. Coincidence? Doubt it. Their motto seems to be: “Make it hard enough, and maybe they’ll just stay.”And let’s not forget all the other accounts you signed up for using Facebook or Twitter. You know, the ones you now need to rescue before you accidentally lock yourself out of important stuff.

And Then...?

Once the accounts were finally gone, I realized just how much of a grip these platforms had on me. The number of times I reflexively typed "t" or "f" into my browser bar (which autocompletes to twitter.com or facebook.com) was honestly terrifying. Waiting for assets to build? Hit Twitter. Software update running? Quick Facebook check. It’s like opening a bag of chips you swore you’d save for later, only to find it empty five minutes later. Except here, instead of chips, you’re losing hours of productivity. I knew it was a problem before, but only now do I see just how bad it was.

Final Thoughts

Social media isn’t all bad. But when people like Zuckerberg decide to throw their moral compass overboard, it’s time to take a hard look at what we’re supporting. So, here’s my suggestion: think about whether you really want to stick around on these platforms. And if you decide to quit, stock up on snacks and patience — you’re gonna need both.

What’s Next?

Honestly? No idea. Some friends recommended Bluesky, but I’m holding off for now. Maybe I’ll go old-school and write more blog posts. Like back in the early 2000s, when you actually had to think before sharing your thoughts with the world. Sounds quaint, doesn’t it?


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